Monday, December 7, 2009

Cornerstone - Good Neighbours Club

Every other month, in the heart of downtown Toronto, the EM youth from Young Nak prepares dinners and serves the less-fortunate.

A few hundred were expected to come and eat, so there were a lot of sandwiches to make and a lot of soup to go around.

But filling empty stomachs was not the intention.

Pictures alone don't tell the whole story.
It was encouraging to see fellow brothers and sisters in Christ coming together with full hearts to serve. Showing love in the simplest gestures.

A simple hello or welcome.
Asking someone how they're doing.
Offering some more food and drink.
Sitting down with strangers for a friendly chat.

Seeing and experiencing what goes on at Cornerstone was a great way to serve.
Being there showed how much God can use small and simple gestures to bring about blessing - the kind that can make a lasting impact. 

- Brian Han


  1. great pics!
    heads up: i think your flicker setting is on private... pictures aren't directly viewable.
