Sheek Gu Night THIS Sunday!Hope you've been looking forward to this sheek gu night.
After church we'll be heading over to Rasa Sayang. The restaurant is at 2579 Victoria Park - south of Sheppard on the east side. It’s Indian Hakka cuisine and just under $10.
UrbanaIf you are interested in going to Urbana 2009, we want to make it possible. The new fee is $375 Cdn. This amount is made possible by the generosity of Intervaristy Canada (via discount code ‘novu09’) and additional fundraising that that you will need to be a part of. This offer is open only to the first 30 people. For those who have already registered you will receive the discount retro-actively. Please email Pastor Chang at for more information.
Christmas BanquetMark your calendars ladies and gents,
Sunday December 20 is the date of our annual Christmas Banquet. More details will follow on prices, venue and all that good stuff.
But right now, here's what you need to know about
We're changing things a bit by auditioning anyone who wants to perform. Hopefully that doesn't turn you off from participating at the banquet.
But the reason why we're doing it is simple.
Since we are a church and we love Jesus Christ, we want that to show in the performances we see - worshiping God and really celebrating Jesus Christ through your gifts. We want to see that come through in your performances.
And that's what we'll be looking for. Your performance should be worshipful and awesome.
God's gifted so many of you when it comes to talent and worshiping through your performance art.
If you wanna perform, put something together and come out to the auditions.
Auditions will be on
December 12 at church
but you have to sign up by December 6th.
You can email Brian Han ( or sign up after 212 service - there will be a sign up sheet posted in the foyer.
When you sign up or email Brian, let him know what you'll be doing (dance, singing, etc.)
Membership ClassFor those interested in becoming a member of Young Nak Church there will be a membership class on Dec 5th at 9:30 am. Please email to sign up or to get more information.